Common Guillemot Uria aalge. Hornøya, Finnmark, Norway.
Photographer: Audun Lie Dahl, Norway. Category: Creative Imagery. BRONZE AWARD WINNER.
Photographer's Story: ‘Hornøya is a tiny island and boasts the northernmost bird cliffs in Norway; and each year thousands of Common Guillemots come here to breed. I have visited this place numerous times, and finally I had the backlighting conditions I had been dreaming about. I used the lens aperture in such a way as to create pleasing ‘bokeh’ of the birds, as well as impressions of light caused by the sun reflecting off the ocean behind the birds.’
Nikon D4S with Nikon 600mm f/4 EL VR lens. 600mm focal length; 1/320 second; f/4; ISO 800. Handheld.