BEST PORTFOLIO WINNER Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo. Kiskunság National Park, Hungary. Photographer: Thomas Hinsche, Germany. BEST PORTFOLIO WINNER Photographer's Story: ‘Cormorants are one of the most effective and successful hunters in the bird kingdom. Capturing the moment of hunting in an image was a great success for me, and it was at the beginning of the cold month of February that I succeeded in taking this picture. At this time of year the fish are slower because of the cold and the hunting is easier. The prey in this scene was a dwarf Catfish.’ Canon EOS 5D MkIV with Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS II USM lens. 500mm focal length; 1/1,600 second; f/5.6; ISO 4,000. Tripod. Hide. 转载自《Bird Photographer of the Year 2019 Winners》 微信扫描下方的二维码阅读更多精彩内容 发布日期 2019-08-29 发布于 鸟类作品 上篇文章: BEST PORTFOLIO WINNER 下篇文章: BEST PORTFOLIO WINNER 发表回复 取消回复要发表评论,您必须先登录。