Eurasian Hoopoe Upupa epops. Saxony-Anhalt, Germany.
Photographer: Thomas Hinsche, Germany.
Photographer's Story: ‘The male Hoopoe feeds its mate while she is brooding her clutch and she is reliant on him while she incubates the eggs. These birds have become new citizens in central Germany in recent years, benefiting from the consequences of climate change. Dry summers help, and many restored military training areas offer new habitats. In mid-May I was able to observe and photograph a wide range of the Hoopoe's interesting behavioural traits.’
Canon EOS 5D MkIV with Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS II USM lens. 500mm focal length; 1/800 second; f/5; ISO 2,500. Tripod. Camouflage cloak.