Svalbard Rock Ptarmigan Lagopus muta hyperborea. Svalbard, Norway.
Photographer: Arturo de Frias, Spain. Category: Best Portrait. HONOURABLE MENTION.
Photographer's Story: ‘Last spring, I went for another visit to my beloved Arctic - to the Svalbard archipelago, a place that I love with a passion. There, I was honing a photography technique that could be called ‘extreme overexposure’. All you need is a white animal and a white background, and then dial-in extreme exposure compensation (+ four stops in this case). Of course then you need some patience. But the results are truly unique: you are left with a kind of pencil sketch, in which most details of the bird and the background disappear.’
Nikon D500 with Nikon 500mm f/4G ED AF-S VR lens. 500mm focal length; 1/800 second; f/4; ISO 800.