Common Raven Corvus corax. Bulgaria.
Photographer: Mohammad Murad, Kuwait. Category: Best Portrait. HONOURABLE MENTION.
Photographer's Story: ‘This image was taken in Bulgaria. I visited the country for seven days to photograph Golden Eagles from a hide up in the mountains; I stayed in the hide from 5am until 6pm each day for five days and not one eagle showed up! I have heard it said that ‘in every walk with nature one receives far more than one seeks’. I was seeking a Golden Eagle image and it was undeniably frustrating not being able to photograph one. But I guess nature did reward me with this jet-black Raven with the added bonus the image is being featured in one of the World’s best bird photography contests! I am indeed privileged and thankful.’
Canon EOS 1DX MkII with Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS II USM lens. 500mm focal length; 1/320 second; f/6.3; ISO 320. Tripod. Hide.