Lakshitha Karunarathna

Wonders of nature Great White Pelican Pelecanus onocrotalus. Lake Kerkini, Greece. Lakshitha Karunarathna, Sri Lanka. Category: Attention to Detail. COMMENDED. Photograher’s Story: ‘When people think of Lake Kerkini, the immediate image that is conjured up is one of this location’s amazing Dalmatian Pelicans. But Great White Pelicans are also present and this close-up shows a bird in breeding plumage. I composed the image with eye off-centre and this had the added benefit of showing off the gorgeous feather colouring to best effect. Looking at the bird in detail, it is anything but white.’ Canon EOS 5DS R with Canon EF 400mm f/2.8L IS II USM lens. 400mm focal length; 1/640 second; f/6.3; ISO 400.

转载自《Bird Photographer of the Year 2019 Winners》

